Both positive and negative life changes can cause some stress. Thus, it is normal to experience stress during a divorce. If you are considering a divorce, you can manage stress by acknowledging its presence and asking for help. You do not need to be alone in this journey. You have your family and friends who care about you and can give you emotional support. If your divorce is stressing you out, consider professional counseling. You can do this with or with your spouse.
Moreover, learning more about the divorce process can help you manage your stress levels. There are different ways to get divorced. If you and your spouse want to work together through the divorce, you can consider a collaborative divorce. An experienced lehi divorce attorney can help you with the process no matter what your option is.
How to Challenge Stress as You Go Through Divorce
To avoid feeling stressed out, do not let your daily stressors build up in the first place. By facing every stressor as they arise, you can better avoid getting overwhelmed. You can also handle stress during divorce by keeping yourself occupied or making time for something that involves focus. Also, exercising will make you feel physically and emotionally better.
Importance of Communication in Collaborative Divorce
If you and your spouse choose not to face each other in the courtroom, you must talk about how to structure your new lives for the better. For a peaceful divorce, communication is key. By being open to communication, you reduce the stress associated with divorce.
Consider working with a communication coach as part of your collaborative divorce team. This professional, along with legal and financial experts will guide and help you develop ways to improve your communicating and coping. This way, you will know how to speak with your spouse in ways in a more peaceful way.
Furthermore, effective communication during divorce is not about constant communication. Rather, it is about learning when you should speak up and when to keep quiet. To effectively communicate, do not communicate when you are upset. Only speak when you have calmed down. This way, you could speak with your spouse in a cordial, civil tone. Also, avoid social media, so you don’t end up posting anything about your ex or your divorce, which could cause you unnecessary stress. Talk to your spouse about how frequently you should communicate and establish how you could communicate, either by phone, email, or text messages.